Recently, Doo Group’s affiliate, Doo Financial Australia Limited, has successfully purchased Professional Liability Indemnity Insurance (PII) from Lloyd’s of London for its principal with a specific underwriter to meet its obligations as an Australian Financial Service Licensee (AFSL). 

Partnering With The World’s Leading Insurance Experts 

With more than 300 years of history, Lloyd’s of London has developed into the world’s leading insurance and reinsurance market. As one of the prestigious insurance experts, Lloyd’s of London is comprised of over 50 internationally recognized insurance companies, over 380 Lloyd’s registered brokers and more than 4,000 locally authorized underwriters worldwide. Its professional insurance intermediaries system has unparalleled underwriting skills and expertise in specific risk areas, allowing it to tailor robust and inclusive solutions for a broad range of complex risks, thereby enhancing the business’s resilience to market risks.  

Up to now, Lloyd’s has provided professional underwriting services to individuals, businesses and communities in more than 200 countries and territories, covering more than 60 types of insurance. To be able to partner with Llyod’s has also become a strong credibility endorsement for a company.  

Purchase of PII Ensures Regulatory Compliance 

The Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) has set out many obligations that ASFLs must meet to ensure compliance. While these obligations can be costly and onerous at times, Doo Financial Australia Limited believes it is vital to comply with all relevant laws and regulation which includes adequate compensation arrangements. As such, Doo Financial Australia Limited has purchased Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII), which is underwritten by the world’s leading Lloyd’s insurance experts. This PII ensures Doo Financial Australia Limited has the financial capital to indemnify the client in the event of a claim against Doo Financial Australia Limited subject to its terms, conditions, and exclusions. 

Professional Indemnity Insurance, also known as “Professional Liability Insurance”, is a framework based on internationally applicable standards of practice, knowledge and ethical practice.

The PII signed by Doo Financial Australia Limited is effective as of 30. September 2022 and will continue to provide coverage during the validity period. This policy covers any loss or damage caused by the entity to the client up to a maximum liability limit of AUD 2.5 million. 

As a financial company, being a compliant AFSL is not only our core responsibility but also our eternal core value pursuit so that our customers can continue to trust in the services that we provide.   

In the future, Doo Group will continue to practice higher standards of regulatory compliance in the financial industry. It strives to create a reliable trading environment with cutting-edge technology, rich experience and professional services, providing global investors with a convenient and reliable investment experience to achieve one-click allocation of global financial assets.  


关于 Doo Group 

Doo Group 都会控股集团(以下简称 “Doo Group”)在 2014 年成立,现总部位于新加坡。经过多年的发展,Doo Group 已经成为一家以金融科技为核心的金融服务集团,拥有 Doo Clearing、Doo Wealth、Doo Financial、Doo Prime、Doo Academy、FinPoints 等多个子品牌,致力为全球各地的个人及机构客户提供超过 2 万个证券、期货、货币对、差价合约和基金等金融产品的交易经纪和资产管理服务。  

截至目前,Doo Group 旗下的法律主体已受全球多家顶尖金融监管机构的严格监管,包括美国证券交易委员会(US SEC)和金融业监管局(US FINRA)、美国金融犯罪执法局(US FinCEN)、英国金融行为监管局(UK FCA)、加拿大金融交易和报告分析中心(CA FINTRAC)、澳大利亚证券与投资委员会(ASIC)、澳大利亚交易报告和分析中心(AUSTRAC)、新加坡金融管理局(SG MAS)、香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(第 1 、4、9 类牌照)、香港保险业监管局(香港保险经纪牌照)、香港公司注册处(香港注册信托公司)、香港公司注册处(信托或公司服务提供者牌照)、香港海关(香港金钱服务经营者牌照)、香港地产代理监管局(HK EAA)、迪拜房地产监管局(AE RERA)、迪拜经济和旅游部(AE PSP)、塞舌尔金融服务管理局(SC FSA)、马来西亚纳闽金融服务管理局(MY Labuan FSA)、毛里求斯金融服务委员会(MU FSC)、瓦努阿图金融服务委员会(VU FSC),并且在达拉斯、伦敦、新加坡、香港、悉尼、塞浦路斯、迪拜、吉隆坡、泰国、南非、埃及、塞舌尔、毛里求斯、瓦努阿图等地设有运营中心。  


香港办公室:+852 6701 2091  

新加坡办公室:+65 6011 1736  

邮箱: [email protected]  




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