Doo Group appeared on NASDAQ billboard, the heart of New York Times Square, on 25th September 2022 at 11:00 am local time, to celebrate our 8th anniversary with global investors in advance.

Appears On The “World’s First Screen”

Brightly embellished with billboards, New York Times Square is iconified as “the Crossroads of the World” and home to numerous well-known corporates and industry elites. Its landmark, NASDAQ billboard, also famously known as the “World’s First Screen”, is the heart of the world’s most reputable business district which stands as a main window for high-value brands to go international. Doo Group’s presence on the prestigious screen represents our substantial strength and new heights of success.

On the occasion of the Group’s 8th anniversary, we were once again displaying on the NASDAQ billboard with the theme of “Embrace Endless EIGHT-citement” to celebrate the milestone moment together with global investors.

Stepping Into The Future With Global Investors

Doo Group’s display on NASDAQ billboard was not only to celebrate our 8th anniversary, but also to convey the vision of stepping into the future with our global clients.

Upholding the core value of “client always comes first”, Doo Group is committed to providing professional services, high-quality experience and creating constant value to our beloved clients.

Since our founding in 2014, we have established a series of sub-brands, including Doo Clearing, Doo Wealth, Doo Financial, Doo Prime and FinPoints. Covering all areas of financial services, these sub-brands offer comprehensive products and services to more than 60,000 individual and institution clients worldwide.

Doo Group would like to express our gratitude for the support and trust from our clients. As a financial services group with financial technology at its core, Doo Group will continue to strive to be a pioneer in the industry, enhancing our financial services system to better serve our clients globally.

Hand in hand. Doo Group has been journeying together with our clients, in sunshine and storms, for the past 8 years. We hope our partnership can continue to grow stronger for the following 8 years, 10 years and beyond!

关于 Doo Group

Doo Group 都会控股集团(以下简称 “Doo Group”)在 2014 年成立,现总部位于新加坡。经过多年的发展,Doo Group 已经成为一家以金融科技为核心的金融服务集团,拥有 Doo Clearing、Doo Wealth、Doo Financial、Doo Prime、Doo Academy、FinPoints 等多个子品牌,致力为全球各地的个人及机构客户提供超过 2 万个证券、期货、货币对、差价合约和基金等金融产品的交易经纪和资产管理服务。

截至目前,Doo Group 旗下的法律主体已受全球多家顶尖金融监管机构的严格监管,包括美国证券交易委员会(US SEC)和金融业监管局(US FINRA)、美国金融犯罪执法局(US FinCEN)、英国金融行为监管局(UK FCA)、加拿大金融交易和报告分析中心(CA FINTRAC)、澳大利亚证券与投资委员会(ASIC)、澳大利亚交易报告和分析中心(AUSTRAC)、新加坡金融管理局(SG MAS)、香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(第 1 、4、9 类牌照)、香港保险业监管局(香港保险经纪牌照)、香港公司注册处(香港注册信托公司)、香港公司注册处(信托或公司服务提供者牌照)、香港海关(香港金钱服务经营者牌照)、香港地产代理监管局(HK EAA)、迪拜房地产监管局(AE RERA)、迪拜经济和旅游部(AE PSP)、塞舌尔金融服务管理局(SC FSA)、马来西亚纳闽金融服务管理局(MY Labuan FSA)、毛里求斯金融服务委员会(MU FSC)、瓦努阿图金融服务委员会(VU FSC),并且在达拉斯、伦敦、新加坡、香港、悉尼、塞浦路斯、迪拜、吉隆坡、泰国、南非、埃及、塞舌尔、毛里求斯、瓦努阿图等地设有运营中心。


香港办公室:+852 6701 2091

新加坡办公室:+65 6011 1736

Email: [email protected]


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