Following the outbreak of the COVID-19, many children have been experiencing a degree of disruption like never before. The negative impact on the educational environment has resulted in significant inequality in education. Many children have lost opportunities to learn, to dream, and to break through in their formative years.  

Children are our greatest treasure, hope and future. They are full of dreams and potential, of which education is their utmost power to create endless possibilities. During these difficult times arising out of the pandemic, technology is the key to that utmost power as it makes remote learning achievable, ensuring children having the opportunities to continue pursuing their dreams. 

Education Without Borders – Providing Global Digital Access to Quality Learning  

As an innovative financial technology group, Doo Group always believes in the power of knowledge and technology. Technology extends human possibility, bringing positive influence on every aspect of our lives. Education is one of the best examples.  

According to UNICEF, 9 out of 10 countries worldwide make use of online learning platforms to support children’s learning. In order to make learning resources accessible to underprivileged students in remote areas, UNICEF has launched “The Learning Passport” program to connect children, youth and teachers around the world via an innovative platform. The program not only enables students to familiarize themselves with digital learning models, but also breaks down the barriers in teaching and learning, building a more inclusive educational environment.  

“The pandemic showed that students just need the right tools to satisfy their curiosity. And curiosity is the door to knowledge,” wrote Isabela Carina from Timor-Leste in her ‘Voices of Youth’ blog shared by UNICEF.

© UNICEF/UNI329477/Soares  

Joao Viegas, watching cartoons with his two daughters, Soraya Leocadia (2 years old), Gaudencia Kassaruby (1 year old) 

© UNICEF/UNI320803/Soares  

On 14 April 2020, two girls view the online platform on which children and parents in Timor-Leste can access a range of audio-visual material to help students continue learning during ongoing school closures. Television programs, radio programs and e-books, as well as a book for parents to explain COVID-19 to children with neurodevelopmental needs, are available on the Learning Passport platform. Schools in Timor-Leste have been closed since 23 March 2020 as part of national efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

“We need to have young people with critical thinking skills and deep knowledge of technology,” said Tajanica Crista, an 18-year-old student from Eskola Colegio Santo Inacio de Loiola 

© UNICEF Timor-Leste/2020/BSoares  

Student Tajanica Crista spoke about the importance of reliable internet access for all students, no matter where they may live. 

Education empowers people with knowledge and skills they need in building a better tomorrow. However, a high-quality education is not always available, particularly in times of uncertainty. Therefore, Doo Group strongly supports UNICEF initiative in creating an inclusive education and sustainable learning with the power of technology.   

Doo Group’s Commitment – Empowering The Next Generation with Inclusive Education 

Doo Group not only takes immense pride in our financial technology, but also in our corporate social responsibility. Doo Group is committed to making significant contributions to the development of individuals, industry and society. In fact, we have been fulfilling the commitment by providing financial support to the UNICEF “Schools for Asia” initiative, helping vulnerable children to fulfil their education dream.  

We call out to everyone to lend a hand in support of child education, helping them to soar to new heights in the future. 

关于 Doo Group        

Doo Group 都会控股集团(以下简称 “Doo Group”)在 2014 年成立,现总部位于新加坡。经过多年的发展,Doo Group 已经成为一家以金融科技为核心的金融服务集团,拥有 Doo Clearing、Doo Wealth、Doo Financial、Doo Prime、Doo Academy、FinPoints 等多个子品牌,致力为全球各地的个人及机构客户提供超过 2 万个证券、期货、货币对、差价合约和基金等金融产品的交易经纪和资产管理服务。 


香港办公室:+852 6701 2091 

邮箱: [email protected] 

| 关于联合国儿童基金会  

联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)涉足全球最具挑战的地方,向最脆弱的儿童及青少年伸出援手,守护身处全球任何角落每一名儿童的权利。UNICEF 致力在超过 190 个国家及地区协助儿童生存、发展及尽展潜能,涵盖从幼儿到青少年的每个阶段。   


| 关于联合国儿童基金香港委员会  

联合国儿童基金香港委员会( UNICEF HK )成立于 1986 年,是一个本地非政府独立组织,致力为联合国儿童基金会各项目筹募善款,及宣扬儿童权利。 UNICEF HK 一直努力不懈地透过不同途径支持联合国儿童基金会的工作,如向公众筹募捐款、与私人机构建立伙伴关系及举办特别活动。香港委员会亦有在香港筹办各项教育和青少年计划,促进及宣扬儿童权利。  

如欲了解 UNICEF 亚洲学童计划,请浏览以下网址:    




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Doo Group 根据 Doo Group 可用的所有当前信息以及 Doo Group 当前的期望、假设、估计和预测提供了这些前瞻性声明。尽管 Doo Group 认为这些期望、假设、估计和预测是合理的,但这些前瞻性陈述仅是预测,并且涉及已知和未知的风险与不确定性,其中许多是 Doo Group 无法控制的。此类风险和不确定性可能导致结果,绩效或成就与前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的结果大不相同。 

Doo Group 不对此类陈述的可靠性,准确性或完整性提供任何陈述或保证,Doo Group 没有义务提供或发布任何前瞻性陈述的更新或修订。 



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