On 14th December 2021, Doo Group officially released the “Doo Group 2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report” – a comprehensive summary of the Group’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) highlights to date.

As a large financial services group with fintech as its core, Doo Group believes that profitability should not be the only goal of a company. It is also our duty to also recognise the social responsibilities of a company, and contribute to the development of individuals, the industry, and the society. For that reason, Doo Group steadfastly gave back to the community in a variety of ways in 2021, implementing CSR through practical actions.


Doo Bursary Scheme: Building Dreams For Students

In 2021, Doo Group collaborated with King’s College London and set up the Doo Bursary. The scheme provides financial support and assistance to students with financial difficulties. 

From 2021/2022 to 2024/2025, the scheme will provide a total of £30,000 over 3 years to 10 students studying for an undergraduate degree. We hope that this scheme will alleviate the financial burden on the students, aiding the successful completion of their studies.

Care In Hand, Love In Heart

On 1st January 2021, Doo Group’s subsidiary, Doo Prime, launched the “Charity Star” fundraising programme. For every 1 standard lot traded by investors on the platform, Doo Prime pledges USD0.01 as a donation. Quarterly donations will be dedicated to improve the medical rehabilitation, tuition and, spiritual living conditions of orphaned children in welfare homes – allowing them to enjoy a better quality of life and education.

As of November 2021, the Doo Prime “Charity Star” fundraising programme has raised more than USD23,000. We are also working diligently to extend the program to a wider scope, and supporting more children in need.

Currently, Doo Prime has established a philanthropic collaboration with SOS Children’s Villages Thailand. The charity was founded by the royal family of Thailand in 1971. The royal family of Thai is, at the same time, a member of SOS Children’s Villages International. The accrued funds generated by investors from Thailand trading on our platform will be used to support the charitable work of SOS Children’s Villages Thailand.

On 18th October 2021, Doo Prime held the S2 #DooTrader Charity Cup Global Trading Competition. With the aim of “improving the overall standard of the industry, and promoting a proper trading concept”, the competition not only created a platform for global investors to showcase their skills, it also promoted the philanthropic spirit initiated from the first competition.

For every standard lot traded by the participants during the contest, Doo Prime will donate USD0.1 to a charity fund to support the education of underprivileged children around the world. As of 30th November 2021, the fund has reached more than USD1,600.


Sustainable Development Goals Engagement

Sustainable development is an important issue in today’s world. Doo Group voluntarily participates in, and supports, a number of global charters and principles related to economy, environment, and society. We strive for a positive and profound impact through social activities.

In September 2021, Doo Group signed the Energy Saving Charter and the 4T Charter by the Hong Kong Environment Bureau, which adheres to the 4T framework, namely Target, Timeline, Transparency, and Together. The aim is to support the promotion of energy efficiency and conservation, as well as the continuous reduction of carbon emissions.

Apart from that, in August 2021, Doo Group became a signatory to the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) as part of its long-term commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. WEPs serve as a main tool for companies to achieve the goal of “gender equality” in the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. Doo Group adopts the seven principles proposed by WEPs to empower women in the workplace, marketplace, and community. 

In August 2021, Doo Group signed the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department Carbon Reduction Charter, pledging to implement 24 environmental protection measures, including “using energy-saving light bulbs” and “maximising the use of daylight”. The pledge is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the workplace and maintain a good living environment.

Besides that, Doo Group also signed the Food Wise Charter by the Food Wise Hong Kong Steering Committee in August 2021. This Charter is to promote food waste reduction among corporate staff, advocating them to cherish food and natural resources.

Doo Group also signed the Equal Opportunities Commission’s Racial Diversity & Inclusion Charter for Employers in the same month. This is to oppose discrimination against gender, disability, family status, and race – fostering a diversified and inclusive corporate culture. 

In addition, Doo Group is supporting and complying with  the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the principles of sustainable exchanges of the World Federation of Exchanges in its daily operations.

CSR has always been one of the core values of Doo Group since its inception, and we have been striving to achieve a dynamic balance of economic, social, and environmental responsibility by integrating CSR throughout the Group’s development in various ways. In the future, Doo Group will continue to be mindful of its corporate social responsibility and endeavor to give back to the community.



关于 Doo Group

Doo Group was established in 2014 and is now headquartered in Singapore. After years of development, Doo Group has become a financial services group with financial technology as its core. With multiple sub-brands, such as Doo Clearing, Doo Financial, Doo Prime, FinPoints, and more, Doo Group is committed to provide trading brokerage and asset management services for over 20,000 financial products, such as Securities, Futures, Forex, CFDs, and Funds to global retail and institutional clients.

Currently, Doo Group is strictly regulated by many top global financial regulators, including the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC), the Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA), the Mauritius Financial Services Commission (FSC), and the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (FSC).  Doo Group’s operation centres are located in Dallas, London, Sydney, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, and other regions.


Visit us at www.doogroup.com


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