Tight spreads and deep liquidity are needed for the forex market participants to be more competitive. Hence, they have to consider more characteristics if want a perfect forex liquidity price feed.  

Forex market is the largest and most liquid market with a daily turnover above $5 trillion. This is as reported in the triennial studies done by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS). 

There are, of course, dozens of execution venues and many more market-makers selling to these venues. However, market fragmentation is open to complexity even the competition and diversity are great.  

Brokers for example are roaring for their good connection with liquidity providers to convince potential clients. Their promises probably the highest quality of execution.  

But, some of the aspects of liquidity aggregation have to be balanced and so often overlooked. Price only touches on the surface of good execution even though aggregating a dozen or more feeds are good for price discovery.  

In this article, we will look at why custom forex price feeds are needed.  

Why Custom Forex Price Feed Important?  

Customising and optimising a price feed is complicated. However, it is crucial to the forex market if you looking to optimise your performance. 

When rolling positions over, a firm hedging currency exposures can be more concerned with depth and carry costs than with entry price. 

Custom forex price feed also important to those who are concerned with getting a thin top of book pricing than with swaps.  

A well-rounded feed that provides consistency in all areas would be essential to an intraday strategy that is placing swing trades and keeping positions through multiple trading sessions. 

At Doo Clearing, our aggregate prices are across numbers of tier-one bank liquidity providers, for a fully aggregated market depth.  

Liquidity aggregation affects your profitability a great deal. It allows traders to deal with only one company, and have their order automatically spread over multiple price feeds, therefore getting the best price possible while keeping the prices stable and as low as possible. 


Our Approach and Strengths  

Doo Clearing is here to stay and supports your global business development through our service and technical advantages.  

We try to understand every client’s needs and expectations, we listen, discuss, and are honest in providing the suitable services for that client. 

At Doo Clearing, we have created 100% real-time trading (Direct Market Access and Straight Through Processing mode) and up to 99.99% system availability. This also includes as low as 1ms trade execution time, to create the ultimate trading experience.  

As a reputed and trusted liquidity provider, our ongoing effort is to having a reliable price feed. We continue to expand our liquidity offerings and update the infrastructure while conditions change frequently. 

Also, we fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of each liquidity provider in our portfolio. We also embraced technology to connect a fragmented forex marketplace with continuously monitor and evaluate your price feed.   


About Doo Clearing  

Doo Clearing is part of The Doo Group, aiming to offer an institutional and bespoke level of liquidity access and clearing services for Forex and CFDs in equities, future and commodities, and other financial products.  

With the robust clearing system powered by Doo Tech, Doo Clearing is now serving brokers, broker-dealers, hedge funds, family offices, fund managers, and professional traders globally.  

Currently, Doo Clearing provides liquidity access and clearing services via our regulated entity in the United Kingdom. The Doo Group has other regulated entities in the United States, Mauritius, and Vanuatu, with operating centres in Hong Kong, Dallas, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and among others.  

To get started, contact Doo Clearing’s Specialist team today for an insightful preview of how we can bring your brokerage to the next level.  

London Office  

Email: [email protected]  

Website: www.dooclearing.co.uk  

Hong Kong Office  

Email: [email protected]  

Website: www.dooclearing.com