On 5 March 2020, Doo Holding Group announced that it is donated 30 000 KN95 respirator masks to frontline medical staff dispatched at hospitals in the Province of Hubei.

Press release in regards to Doo Holding’s donation programme published

On 12 March 2020, the press release in regards to Doo Holding’s donation was published. Following a journey of 10 000 km from South Africa to Hubei, logistics operations were coordinated to distribute the supplies to hospitals and medical staff.

National Health Commission issues official statement

On 20 January 2020, the National Health Commission issued an official statement confirming person-to-person community transmission of the coronavirus, resulting in an increase in confirmed cases and the subsequent province-wide implementation of a cordon sanitaire of Hubei.

The severity of the public health situation highlighted the first major obstacle in the fight against the virus: the impending shortage of vital medical supplies, in particular surgical masks and other PPE.

Calling around the world

On 24 January 2020, staff at Doo Holding’s Hong Kong office formed a Medical Supplies Acquisition Task Force in charge of coordinating with international suppliers of medical supplies. Suppliers around the world from Europe to the Americas and Africa were contacted. The head of the task force recalled making hundreds of calls a day for over a week, each time enquiring if masks and PPE isolation suits were available in stock. Finally, on 1 February, Doo Holding Group founded an NGO, Mask Run, that was tasked with acquiring medical-grade PPE from abroad for delivery and distribution to Hubei hospitals.

On 6 February, the procurement of PPE was confirmed, and inspections began.

Inventory of masks: In the freight lorry, a container has been filled with masks. Staff are assigned to conduct inventory checks and final product inspections before loading the boxes into the container.

10 000 km in a month

We have received enquiries as to why, despite acquisition having been completed by 1 February, the supplies did not arrive in Hubei until 5 March. This is a good question worthy of investigation.

On 1 February, Doo Holding Group joined Mask Run, and on 5 March the distribution of PPE supplies was completed. Approximately one month had elapsed.

The head of the Medical Supplies Acquistion Task Force recalled the sudden moment of ecstasy upon finding a suitable supplier. This moment was short-lived, however, once the distance between South Africa and China dawned on him.

From 1 February to 5 March, the shipment of supplies travelled more than 10 000 km from Johannesburg to Hubei Province.

Under normal circumstances, it takes 50 days for an ocean freightliner to complete a similar journey.

By the time the supplies had been collected, inspected and loaded into the container, flights between China and South Africa had largely been grounded. We had no choice but to delay the shipment until a suitable method of transport could be found.

Medical supplies stranded in South Africa

With the implementation of a cordon sanitaire on the City of Wuhan, transport to, from and within the city was restricted, at the same time affecting the shipment of PPE supplies. As a result, the focus of the medical supplies task force shifted to finding available flights that could transport the shipment.

Inspection of PPE supplies during delay

In addition to monitoring flight departure and customs clearance intel, the task force also needed to ensure the safe storage of the PPE supplies during its limbo in South Africa. It is imperative to maintain ventilation and temperature controls so that the effectiveness of the PPE is not affected.

On 28 February the task force confirmed a flight to bring the supplies of PPE to China.

Medical supplies being prepared for loading onto aircraft

At 0857 hours on 29 February, the task force posted flight information for the PPE shipment in the internal WeChat group:

From South Africa to China via flights CA868 (Johannesburg to Beijing) and CA1373 (Beijing to Changsha)

On 5 March, the shipment of medical supplies completed its journey of over 10 000 km, two flights and three transfers and arrived at its destination in the Province of Hubei.

The PPE shipment has reached its destination in the Province of Hubei

After the shipment arrived in Hubei, logistics efforts were coordinated and supplies were dispatched to hospitals province-wide according to a distribution list.

Supplies are sorted and prepared for distribution

Boxes of PPE are loaded into transport vehicles for distribution to hospitals province-wide

A shipment has been delivered to a hospital

From Huanggang to Ezhou:

From metropolitan areas to the surrounding suburbs:

Boxes of PPE received by staff at the Luotian County Medical Centre

Supplies are delivered to medical centres, urgent care clinics, community service centres and ambulances:

Medical supplies are delivered to a medical centre

Medical supplies are delivered to an urgent care clinic

Medical supplies are delivered to a community health service centre

Medical supplies are delivered to an ambulance

PPE is donated to a temporary medical centre:

Staff and volunteers work through the night on the frontlines to distribute PPE shipments

In the face of SARS-CoV-2, we searched far and wide around the world to fill our shipping containers with medical-grade PPE and worked around the clock to ensure that each box is delivered to the hospitals as soon as possible.

We have witnessed the devastation brought by the virus and dedicated ourselves to working as a team to do our part to help our brave medical heroes as they fight day and night. We never stopped in our mission to acquire and distribute 30 000 N95 respirator masks, and when the war on SARS-CoV-2 has been won, we will be happy to have been able to play our part to help.