What Is The Difference Between ECN And STP?
What Is The Difference Between ECN And STP?
What type of broker to use? This is among the basic question coming out from those who want start trading in ...
Why Is Custom Forex Price Feed Needed? 
Why Is Custom Forex Price Feed Needed? 
Tight spreads and deep liquidity are needed for the forex market participants to be more competitive. Hence, they ...
Doo Group’s Hong Kong Office Reopening Notice
Doo Group’s Hong Kong Office Reopening Notice
Greetings!    Thank you for your continued support and trust in Doo Group.    In ...
What To Consider When Trading FX With FIX API?
What To Consider When Trading FX With FIX API?
For the past 10 years, trading forex using a Financial Information Exchange (FIX) Application Programming ...
Venturing Onwards To Being The Best! DOO Group 2020 Achievement Report
Why You Need to Switch Your Liquidity Provider?
Why You Need to Switch Your Liquidity Provider?
The Covid-19 outbreak in late February last year significantly triggered volatility and liquidity squeezes.  ...
The Doo Group Reports Trading Volumes in November
The Doo Group Reports Trading Volumes in November
The Doo Group, a financial services group with cutting edge technology and solutions reported monthly trading ...
White Label: Cost Efficiency Without Sacrificing Access to Liquidity
White Label: Cost Efficiency Without Sacrificing Access to Liquidity
In recent years, institutional forex markets have seen a widespread change as the pace and acceleration of market ...
Doo Holding Group’s Hong Kong Office Working Adjustment Notice
Doo Holding Group’s Hong Kong Office Working Adjustment Notice
Thank you for your continued support and trust in Doo Holding Group. 
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