As the world fights the coronavirus, we are contributing to the global effort. Our parent company Doo Holding Group’s Chief Operating Officer Marc Grand announced the corporation’s donation of 30 000 KN95 respirator masks and other PPE articles to hospitals in the Province of Hubei. Medical staff have been treating and nurturing patients in the province around the clock, and their work has become increasingly difficult following the implementation of a province-wide cordon sanitaire. Supplies of vital PPE are running low due to the global shortage of supply, and this shortage is affecting individuals, hospitals and medical staff alike. As the frontline heroes in the battle against the virus, medical personnel are also the most vulnerable and in need of high-quality PPE, notably masks and isolation suits. Therefore, we have coordinated with suppliers and distributors around the world to acquire 30 000 masks to be delivered to frontline medical staff throughout the Province of Hubei.

Public health is a shared responsibility. During this difficult time, it is our hope that communities around the world will work together through this crisis. Xenophobia and bigotry have no place in our society and we encourage mutual support and increased observance of personal hygiene protocols. Find out how you can do your part to help: