Greetings from Doo Group!  

As the year draws to a close, we at Doo Group would like to take this time to reflect and count our blessings for the year.  

We would like to thank all of our co-workers, clients, partners, suppliers and traders for the continuous support and trust in Doo Group throughout these unprecedented times.  

Despite the year’s ups and downs, Doo Group has always remained resilient and robust throughout the year. Doo Group has made a number of important measures to expand its global business footprint and achieved milestones such as making a debut on the Nasdaq MarketSite screen at Times Square in New York, hosting the second season of #DooTrader Charity Cup – Global Trading Competition, and so forth.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was also a key focus, with the successful launch of the “Charity Star” fundraising programme, collaboration with King’s College London to set up the Doo Bursary, and other philanthropic acts.  We have also acquired several financial services licenses throughout the year. 

As we step into 2022, it is the Group’s vision and aspiration to continue delivering our best to serve. Nonetheless, Doo Group also makes sure to count the precious moments and blessings that life has to offer.  

Doo Group Fellow Colleagues Celebrating Festivities As One 

As the world celebrates the festive occasions, Doo offices around the world did not miss the fun too. Despite being busy working hard, we make it a point to display gratitude towards each other.  

Recently, we got together as one strong team for Christmas and New Year celebrations. Global offices were decked with boughs of holly, and esteemed colleagues from different parts of the world were feasted with festive delights and goodies. We created the 2021 moments by taking photos during the celebration to remember and look back at what we have achieved so far. 

Without the teams’ contributions, Doo Group would not be where it is now. It is our hope to deliver better at what we do with a positive mind and attitude, and take every challenge as a stepping stone to improve ourselves as well as the company.  

The togetherness as one strong team is demonstrated by the hard work, perseverance and team-oriented workplace that Doo Group practices.  

We aspire to take the experiences from this year to the next, with improvements and more gratitude. Doo Group looks forward to continuously enhance our services, as well as offering, to traders around the world. 

One of the greatest joys of this festive season is the opportunity to say thank you, and to send blessings for the New Year. On behalf of Doo Group, we would like to wish the very best to our clients, partners, suppliers, and traders around the world. 

It is time to start a new chapter – let us embrace 2022 with positivity, and remain resilient throughout the year.